Season 1 Final

For the first Douglas Modern chess final, I decided on a 10-game match between the two contenders, with time control set at 30 minutes plus 15 seconds per move. I was worried that, sans opening books, they would simply play the same games over and over, but it turns out that they’re smarter than that.

There were more draws this round, given that the engines were as equal in strength as I could get, without the neural network ones. I have not succeeded in getting those (eg Lc0, AllieStein, Stoofvlees, etc) to work yet.

Of the ten games, Stockfish won half (as both black and white) and drew the rest. So we declare Stockfish the official champion.

The games in general were longer, some hit the 50 move rule, and there were those annoying shuffle endings as well. Anyway, here’s the numbers and the games.

Engine               Win     Draw    Lose
stockfish 111119 64  5 [3/2] 5 [2/3] 0 [0/0]
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse 0 [0/0] 5 [3/2] 5 [2/3]

Conventional scoring:

stockfish 111119 64  : 7.5
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 2.5

Games: 10; Draws: 5, DrawPercentage: 50 %
Whitewins: 3; Blackwins: 2, Draws: 5

Cute Chess scoring:

Score of stockfish 111119 64 vs xiphos-0.6-linux-sse: 5 - 0 - 5 [0.750]
Elo difference: 190.8 +/- 162.0, LOS: 98.7 %, DrawRatio: 50.0 %

10 of 10 games finished.


stockfish 111119 64  : 374 : 74.8 %
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 124 : 24.8 %

Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award goes to the 4th game.

I’m going to take a break from this now, though may post results on Github or write a paper, depending on how things go with work. Must finish the Giza papers.

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Season 1 Semi finals

This was a double-round-robin between the top three CPU engines.

Engine               Win     Draw    Lose
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse 1 [0/1] 6 [4/2] 1 [0/1]
Ethereal 20191110    0 [0/0] 3 [1/2] 5 [3/2]
stockfish 111119 64  5 [3/2] 3 [1/2] 0 [0/0]

Conventional scoring:

stockfish 111119 64  : 6.5
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 4
Ethereal 20191110    : 1.5

Games: 12; Draws: 6, DrawPercentage: 50 %
Whitewins: 3; Blackwins: 3, Draws: 6

Cute Chess scoring:

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score   Draws
   1 stockfish 111119 64           255     286       8   81.3%   37.5%
   2 xiphos-0.6-linux-sse            0     125       8   50.0%   75.0%
   3 Ethereal 20191110            -255     286       8   18.8%   37.5%

12 of 12 games finished.


stockfish 111119 64  : 324 : 81 %
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 200 : 50 %
Ethereal 20191110    : 76  : 19 %

So Ethereal 20191110 drops out, and the other two go through to the final, which will be the longer game format.

Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award go to the Ethereal 20191110 vs xiphos-0.6-linux-sse game (second one below).

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Season 1 Round 4 Heat 1

This was supposed to be a double-round but I had to restart it because I selected the wrong version of Ethereal. And on the restart, forgot to make it a double round. Curiously, when I stopped it, Stockfish had a less-than-perfect score. So on the one hand, it had some losses or draws, and on the other hand, at least the engines are not simply playing the same game over and over. I will check the end boards when all is done and look for duplicates. So far there have not been any.

Anyway, here’s the results.

Engine               Win     Draw    Lose
Ethereal 20191110    1 [1/0] 3 [1/2] 2 [1/1]
stockfish 111119 64  6 [3/3] 0 [0/0] 0 [0/0]
Defenchess_2.2       0 [0/0] 2 [2/0] 4 [1/3]
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse 1 [1/0] 3 [1/2] 2 [1/1]

Conventional scoring:

stockfish 111119 64  : 6
Ethereal 20191110    : 2.5
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 2.5
Defenchess_2.2       : 1

Games: 12; Draws: 4, DrawPercentage: 33.33 %
Whitewins: 5; Blackwins: 3, Draws: 4

Cute Chess scoring:

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score   Draws
   1 stockfish 111119 64           inf     nan       6  100.0%    0.0%
   2 xiphos-0.6-linux-sse          -58     226       6   41.7%   50.0%
   3 Ethereal 20191110             -58     226       6   41.7%   50.0%
   4 Defenchess_2.2               -280     nan       6   16.7%   33.3%

12 of 12 games finished.


stockfish 111119 64  : 300 : 100 %
Ethereal 20191110    : 124 : 41.33 %
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 124 : 41.33 %
Defenchess_2.2       :  48 : 16 %

So Defenchess_2.2 drops out, and the other three go through to the next round.
Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award goes to  the Ethereal 20191110 vs stockfish 111119 64 match (first one below).

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Season 1 Round 3 Heat 2

Another somewhat unexpected result … I was expecting critter to finish last.

Engine                 Win     Draw    Lose
critter-16a-64bit      2 [2/0] 0 [0/0] 4 [1/3]
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse   2 [1/1] 2 [2/0] 2 [0/2]
laser                  1 [1/0] 1 [0/1] 4 [2/2]
stockfish 111119 64    5 [3/2] 1 [0/1] 0 [0/0]

Games: 12; Draws: 2, DrawPercentage: 16.67
Whitewins: 7; Blackwins: 3, Draws: 2

Conventional scoring:

stockfish 111119 64  : 5.5
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 3
critter-16a-64bit    : 2
laser                : 1.5

Cute Chess scoring:

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score   Draws
   1 stockfish 111119 64           417     nan       6   91.7%   16.7%
   2 xiphos-0.6-linux-sse            0     271       6   50.0%   33.3%
   3 critter-16a-64bit            -120     nan       6   33.3%    0.0%
   4 laser                        -191     nan       6   25.0%   16.7%

12 of 12 games finished.


stockfish 111119 64  : 274 : 91.33 %
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 148 : 49.33 %
critter-16a-64bit    : 96  : 32 %
laser                : 74  : 24.67 %

So critter-16a-64bit and laser drop out, and the other two go through to the final round robin.

The line-up for the final round robin will be:

Ethereal 20191110
stockfish 111119 64

This may produce more draws than the previous rounds.

Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award goes to the xiphos-0.6-linux-sse vs critter-16a-64bit game (second one below).

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Season 1 Round 3 Heat 1

This result was the first one that surprised me … I was not expecting Defenchess to come out on top. In fact I thought it was going to be eliminated.

Engine            Win     Draw    Lose
Defenchess_2.2    3 [2/1] 2 [0/2] 1 [1/0]
andscacs          1 [1/0] 3 [2/1] 2 [0/2]
Ethereal 20191110 2 [0/2] 3 [2/1] 1 [1/0]
Fire_7.1_x64      1 [1/0] 2 [1/1] 3 [1/2]

Conventional scoring:

Defenchess_2.2    : 4
Ethereal 20191110 : 3.5
andscacs          : 2.5
Fire_7.1_x64      : 2

Games: 12; Draws: 5, DrawPercentage: 41.67 %
Whitewins: 4; Blackwins: 3, Draws: 5

Cute Chess scoring:

Rank Name              Elo +/- Games Score Draws
   1 Defenchess_2.2    120 333 6     66.7% 33.3%
   2 Ethereal 20191110  58 226 6     58.3% 50.0%
   3 andscacs          -58 226 6     41.7% 50.0%
   4 Fire_7.1_x64     -120 333 6     33.3% 33.3%

12 of 12 games finished.


Defenchess_2.2    : 200 : 66.67 %
Ethereal 20191110 : 178 : 59.33 %
andscacs          : 122 : 40.67 %
Fire_7.1_x64      :  98 : 32.67 %

So andscacs and  Fire_7.1_x64  drop out, and the other two go through to the next round.
Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award goes to the andscacs vs Fire_7.1_x64 game (last one below).

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Line-up for round 3

The line-up for round three will be these 8 engines, in two heats. I resorted the list alphabetically (ASCII-wise) to avoid the overload of strong engines in one heat. We may lose two from heat 1 and one from heat 2.


stockfish 111119 64


Season 1 Round 2 Heat 3

The heavyweight round.

Engine               Win     Draw    Lose
laser                4 [2/2] 2 [1/1] 2 [1/1]
texel64              0 [0/0] 2 [1/1] 6 [3/3]
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse 3 [2/1] 4 [2/2] 1 [0/1]
arasanx-64           2 [1/1] 0 [0/0] 6 [3/3]
stockfish 111119 64  6 [3/3] 2 [1/1] 0 [0/0]

Conventional scoring:

stockfish 111119 64  : 7
laser                : 5
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 5
arasanx-64           : 2
texel64              : 1

Games: 20; Draws: 5, DrawPercentage: 25 %
Whitewins: 8; Blackwins: 7, Draws: 5

Cute Chess scoring:

Rank Name                Elo +/- Games Score Draws
   1 stockfish 111119 64 338 nan 8     87.5% 25.0%
   2 xiphos-0.6-linux-sse 89 190 8     62.5% 50.0%
   3 laser                89 261 8     62.5% 25.0%
   4 arasanx-64         -191 nan 8     25.0%  0.0%
   5 texel64            -338 nan 8     12.5% 25.0%

20 of 20 games finished.


stockfish 111119 64  : 350 : 87.5 %
laser                : 250 : 62.5 %
xiphos-0.6-linux-sse : 248 : 62 %
arasanx-64           : 100 : 25 %
texel64              : 50  : 12.5 %

So arasanx-64 and  texel64 drop out, and the other two go through to the next round.
Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award goes to the xiphos-0.6-linux-sse vs arasanx-64 game.

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Season 1 Round 2 Heat 2

Engine            Win     Draw    Lose
Fire_7.1_x64      4 [2/2] 2 [1/1] 0 [0/0]
demolito          2 [1/1] 0 [0/0] 4 [2/2]
Fruit-2-3-1-Linux 0 [0/0] 0 [0/0] 6 [3/3]
critter-16a-64bit 4 [2/2] 2 [1/1] 0 [0/0]

Conventional scoring:

Fire_7.1_x64      : 5
critter-16a-64bit : 5
demolito          : 2
Fruit-2-3-1-Linux : 0

Games: 12; Draws: 2, DrawPercentage: 16.67 %
Whitewins: 5; Blackwins: 5, Draws: 2

Cute Chess scoring:

Rank Name               Elo +/- Games Score Draws
   1 critter-16a-64bit  280 nan 6     83.3% 33.3%
   2 Fire_7.1_x64       280 nan 6     83.3% 33.3%
   3 demolito          -120 nan 6     33.3% 0.0%
   4 Fruit-2-3-1-Linux -inf nan 6      0.0% 0.0%

12 of 12 games finished.


Fire_7.1_x64      : 250 : 83.33 %
critter-16a-64bit : 250 : 83.33 %
demolito          : 100 : 33.33 %
Fruit-2-3-1-Linux : 0   : 0 %

So Fruit-2-3-1-Linux and demolito drop out, and the other two go through to the next round.
Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award goes to the critter-16a-64bit vs Fruit-2-3-1-Linux game.

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Season 1 Round 2 Heat 1

Engine            Win     Draw    Lose
Cyrano            0 [0/0] 0 [0/0] 6 [3/3]
Ethereal 20191110 4 [3/1] 2 [0/2] 0 [0/0]
Defenchess_2.2    3 [2/1] 2 [1/1] 1 [0/1]
andscacs          2 [1/1] 2 [2/0] 2 [0/2]

Conventional scoring:

Ethereal 20191110 : 5
Defenchess_2.2    : 4
andscacs          : 3
Cyrano            : 0

Games: 12; Draws: 3, DrawPercentage: 25 %
Whitewins: 6; Blackwins: 3, Draws: 3

Cute Chess scoring:

Rank Name              Elo +/- Games Score Draws
   1 Ethereal 20191110 280 nan 6     83.3% 33.3%
   2 Defenchess_2.2    120 333 6     66.7% 33.3%
   3 andscacs            0 271 6     50.0% 33.3%
   4 Cyrano           -inf nan 6     0.0%   0.0%

12 of 12 games finished.

Cyrano clearly had a tough time in this round.


Ethereal 20191110 : 248 : 82.67 %
Defenchess_2.2    : 198 : 66 %
andscacs          : 148 : 49.33 %
Cyrano            : 0   : 0 %

So Cyrano drops out, and the other three go through to the next round.
Here are the games themselves. The “Mate of the Match” award goes to Cyrano vs andscacs.

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Season 1 Round 2

So the survivors of round 1 progress to round 2, divided into three heats as follows:

Ethereal 20191110



The third group is probably the strongest, with three strong engines.