While playing around and researching things, I came across a curious alignment of two sites. The first is the pyramids at Giza, the second is Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. Currently Göbekli Tepe is the oldest megalithic site discovered, and its discovery forced historians to rewrite the history books and rethink their timeline for civilization. The site dates back to around 9000 BCE, which is long before the copper, bronze or iron ages, which would have provided some tools needed for building the monuments.
Here’s an overview of the area, with a line joining the two sites. This was done on Google Maps with satellite view. See disclaimer below re accuracy etc.
Here’s a close-up of the spot I picked at Göbekli Tepe. The site is still mostly underground, I just picked a spot that “seemed” important because of the layout. I suspect a better spot may be further left and yet to be discovered. You’ll see why in a moment.
And now for the grand reveal (oh how I hate that Americanism)… the close up of the pyramids. I terminated the line at the centre of the smallest of the three pyramids.
And voila, the line goes right through the centre of the Great Pyramid. Which means that the three pyramids are effectively pointing straight towards Göbekli Tepe.
This is either an amazing coincidence, a fluke of how Google Maps joins points, or deliberate planning. In truth the line is slightly off-centre over the Great Pyramid, which is why I suggested that possibly a better spot at Göbekli Tepe will be slightly to the left.
DNA analysis of Egyptian mummies has revealed a strong middle-eastern/Turkish and even European influence, while more modern Egyptians have more African bloodlines. So it is possible that people living in the area of Göbekli Tepe migrated down to Egypt, and left clues as to where they came from.
I would like other people to repeat this exercise for confirmation. Also any issues with how Maps (or Google Earth) draws lines are welcome.