A new beginning

The famous castle.

It was 19 years ago today… ( with apologies to Paul McCartney and Sgt. Pepper).

On 31 December 1995, after being one of the ‘early adopters’ in SA and having an Internet connection, and having been active in Fidonet for a few years before that, I decided it was time I learnt this new-fangled HTML stuff … and so I did … and managed to knock together a web page on the same day.

You can find a copy in most of it’s glory here:


You will notice that it was a Castle Page rather than a Home Page, because I had recently promoted myself to Lord… to thumb my nose at Her Majesty.

And so now, 19 years later, much has happened. The decision I made 19 years ago changed the course of my life and provided me with an income, allowing me to leave my corporate job which would have been a dead end and instead do my own thing, risky as it was at the time (and still is….)

It’s been a tough year, what with the divorce, moving house, dramatic drop in income, etc., but life goes on and and we struggle forward.

Hopefully 2015 will allow me to get several projects which have been on the back burner for TOO LONG off the ground and take care of the income problem…

That’s it for now, need to upload the new cinema schedules and get to bed … hopefully the New Year noise won’t last more than 15 minutes… 🙂